Children's Ministry
We are excited to help children and their parents grow in knowing God’s love and grace.
Our philosophy is to develop relationships between children, the City Life community, and the story of God’s grace. Our lessons emphasize children’s creative participation in the stories of the Bible. Utilizing art, story telling, physical activity, singing, and, of course, fun, we help our kids understand God’s love while experiencing loving community.
Children are included in the beginning of worship, and return to join their families during communion.
On special Sundays, we offer an intergenerational service using the CRC's "WE Curriculum."
A few notes for parents:
Our Child Safety Policy requires each child be checked in so that we can contact parents if they are needed during the service. At any point in the service you can come the classroom to be available for your child’s needs and are welcome to stay as long as you like.
Our philosophy is to develop relationships between children, the City Life community, and the story of God’s grace. Our lessons emphasize children’s creative participation in the stories of the Bible. Utilizing art, story telling, physical activity, singing, and, of course, fun, we help our kids understand God’s love while experiencing loving community.
Children are included in the beginning of worship, and return to join their families during communion.
On special Sundays, we offer an intergenerational service using the CRC's "WE Curriculum."
A few notes for parents:
Our Child Safety Policy requires each child be checked in so that we can contact parents if they are needed during the service. At any point in the service you can come the classroom to be available for your child’s needs and are welcome to stay as long as you like.